
Sodium cyanide

6. Sodium cyanide A routine industrial reactant, but one false step results in the smell of almonds, then death within seconds. Cyanide Blinds to  Cytochrome C Oxidase , a protein in the mitochondria, and stops the cells from using oxygen. Sodium cyanide is an inorganic compound with the formula NaCN. It is a white, water-soluble solid. Cyanide has a high affinity for metals, which leads to the high toxicity of this salt. Formula :  NaCN Molar mass :  49.0072 g/mol Density:  1.6 g/cm³ Melting point:  563.7 °C Boiling Point:  1,496 °C Sodium cyanide  is an inorganic compound  with the formula NaCN . It is a white, water-soluble solid. Cyanide  has a high affinity for metals, which leads to the high toxicity of this salt. Its main application, in Gold Mining , also exploits its high reactivity toward metals. It is a Strong base . When treated with acid , it forms the toxic gas Hydrogen cyanide. Sodium cyanide  solution in water is a strong base; i


5. Strychnine Commonly used as a pesticide to kill large unwanted pests like rodents and birds. Due to the ease of concealment, strychnine is rumored to have killed many historic figures including Alexander  the Great  and Blues musician Robert Johnson. Strychnine is a highly toxic, colorless, bitter, crystalline alkaloid used as a pesticide, particularly for killing small vertebrates such as birds and rodents. Formula :  C 21 H 22 N 2 O 2 Molar mass :  334.41 g/mol IUPAC ID :  strychnidin-10-one Melting point :  270 °C Boiling point :  270 °C Density :  1.36 g/cm³ Odor : Odorless Solubality in water : 0.02% (20°C) Acidity : 8.25 Strychnine  is a highly toxic , colorless, bitter, crystalline   alkaloids used as a Pesticide , particularly for killing small vertebrates  such as birds  and rodents . Strychnine, when inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the eyes or mouth, causes poisoning  which results in muscular convusions  and eventually death t


4. Tabun One of the first nerve agent discovered , this liquid is known for a fruity odor and can be sprayed as a mist that causes convulsions and paralysis. Tabun itself is not extremely deadly, but the success of this chemical compound in war led to the development of deadlier toxins like ricin and soman. Iraqi soldiers used Tabun in the final days of the Iron/iraq to kill thousands of Iranians . Tabun or GA is an extremely toxic chemical substance. It is a clear, colorless, and tasteless liquid with a faint fruity odor. It is classified as a nerve agent because it fatally interferes with normal functioning of the mammalian nervous system. Formula :  C 5 H 11 N 2 O 2 P Density :  1.09 g/cm³ Boiling point :  240 °C Melting point :  −50 °C (−58 °F; 223 K) Main hazards :  Highly toxic. Fires involving this chemical may result in the formation of hydrogen cyanide Appearance :  Colorless to brown liquid. Molar mass : 162.13 g/mol Vapor pressure : 0.07 mm*Hg


3. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p -dioxin Heard of Agent Orange? 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p -dioxin was the  contaminant  in Agent Orange. That's a bastard chemical. Agent Orange was created to cause defoliation of dense areas in Vietnam, but this contaminant led to severe prenatal deformities and skin lesions. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin is a polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin with the chemical formula C ₁₂H ₄Cl ₄O ₂. TCDD is a colorless solid with no distinguishable odor at room temperature.  Wikipedia Formula :  C 12 H 4 Cl 4 O 2 IUPAC ID :  2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo [b,e][1,4]-dioxin Molar mass :   321.97 g/mol Melting point :  305 °C Soluble in : Water Density :  1 .8 g/cm³ Log p : 6.8 Vapor pressure : 1.5 × 10 −9  mm*Hg 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p- dioxin  ( TCDD ) is a polychlorinated   dibenzo p-dioxin(sometimes shortened, though inaccurately, to simply "dioxin") with the chemical formula  C 12 H 4 Cl 4 O 2 . TCDD is


2. VX One of the first chemical WMDs, researchers initially produced VX for retail sale in the 1950s as a Pesticide . Thankfully, your likelihood of coming in contact with VX is extremely low - the world's stockpiles have been destroyed, including the United States' main stockpile in anniston ,AL . VX is the top 2 most dangerous chemical in the world. VX  chemical name  is O-ethyl S-diisopropylaminomethyl methylphosphonothiolate , is hard to detect. It is a clear, tasteless and colourless liquid with a consistency something like engine oil. VX is an extremely toxic synthetic chemical compound in the organophosphorus class, specifically, a thiophosphonate. Boiling point :  298 °C Formula :  C 11 H 26 NO 2 PS Melting point :  −51 °C (−60 °F; 222 K) LD 50   (median dose) :  7 µg/kg (intravenous, rat) Log p :  2.047 Vapor Pressure :  0.09 Pa Molar mass : 267.37 g/mol Density : 1.0083 g/cm. Discovery... The chemists Ranajit Ghosh


1. Betrachotoxin  Betrachoxin is most dangerous chemical in the world. It was named by scientists John W Daly and Burnhard Witkop. who separated  the potent toxic alkaloids fraction and determined its chemical properties.  Batrachotoxin is an extremely potent cardiotoxic and neurotoxic steroidal alkaloid found in certain species of frogs, melyrid beetles, and birds. Batrachotoxin was derived from the Greek word βάτραχος bátrachos "frog". Formula: C 31 H 42 N 2 O 6 LD 50   (median dose):  2 μg/kg; (mouse, sub-cutaneous) Molar mass:   538.68 g·mol −1 Main   hazards:  Highly toxic Chemspider:  10310314 Pubchem   CID:  31958 Density: 1.304 gm/ml. The "poison dart" (or "poison arrow") frog does not produce batrachotoxin itself. It is believed that the frogs get the poison from eating beetles or other insects in their native habitat. Frogs raised in captivity do not produce batrachotoxin, and thus may be handled without risk.